How To Connect Internet from Mobile To Pc

Today, Internet has become a need for every person.The new 3gp mobiles provide you with high speed Internet ,that you can use it for your PC as mobiles do not provide all types of task.
In this tutorial I am explaining about how to use your mobile as wireless modem to connect to inter net using Nokia PC Suite via Data Cable.These steps are simple and easy to perform.
[The Nokia PC Suite is new may be you have earlier version,download the new version from here ]

1.Connect your Phone to your PC/Laptop (Install Nokia PC Suite if not installed)
2.Open the Nokia PC Suite (Screen Shot)
Nokia PC Suite

3.Click on the ButtonConnect Logo(You will be moved to this window)
Fullscreen capture 9222011 121613 AM.bmp

4.Click on the Configure option to start choosing your network provider and modem.Save the Settings.

Modem Selection

ISp Selection

5.Click on the Connect button

If you don’t find the name of your ISP then try to choose manual connection.

Also see: New Aircel hack 1005 Working

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