Free Angry Birds Rio App To Download For Windows

Angry Birds Intel Apps Screenshot
Angry Birds, the most played game for year 2011 has given  extra ordinary response from all over the world since its launch .It`s based on the Movie The Angry Birds Rio.Since due to its large demand among tech players and youngsters,The Intel App Center Is providing free Angry Birds App for Windows Operating System ,One of the contributor to Paisa Earn.IN had earlier posted about the full screen gameplay of the Angry Birds.
Now you can download these App free just till 29 September From Intel AppUp(SM) Center.

The Developer made this new edition putting lot of extra thrills and fun,Its an amazing experience gaming version launched yet for players all around.The Angry Birds Rio is centered on a 20th Century movie The Rio.Various servers in India And around the world are earning from this Game solely.Additctors to this game can be seen on facebook even as there are around 100k fans of The Rio .

What the Game About:
The game is based on the story line of the movie in which the angry bird gets kidnapped and moved to a place named as Rio de …

How To Get Free Angry Birds App :

    Download Image
  1. Make a Download of the Intel AppUp Center from their site.
  2. After downloading the App,move to your desktop and click  on icon image icon.
  3. Click on the Sign in Button.
  4. After that you will be seeing an option Get One Here Click that option And you are done/
This offer is Only Till 29 September, So hurry 

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