Google is know for its new features and exciting new
doodles it makes for its users.Google has just launched a new doodle in which when you search for "
Do A Barell Roll" your screen rotates and then come back at its previous position.The Google New Doodle Is "
Tilt".As the name suggests it make your screen a little tilted.
Google Doodle "Do A barrel roll" is getting famous as it is the hottest topic on twitter as well as on Facebook.
These features are currently working in Google Chrome
S. No. | Doodles | Effect |
1 | Do A Barrel Roll | It will roll your screen 360 degree |
2 | Tilt | It will make your screen a tilted one |
- What Does Do A Barrel Roll means?
The Barrel roll is a term used in aeronautical science for the pilots who rotate their aeroplanes 360 degree and passes through a hole from where they started/
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Akansh is a 18 years old just new in this field and tried to help you in all ways.This blog covers latest apps,gadgets,songs,and mostly every field.I greatly appreciate if you contribute for this blog
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