Are you well aware of the fact that blogging is not so easy as it looks from far.How to blog is a general question that comes in every blogger mind while he starts blogging.This, being my first post on this blog i am giving you some key features of blogging for fun and making your stressless blog.
- #First Key Feature-Know Your Purpose:
When ever you start blogging keep this thing in mind that what for you have started that blog.Lets take an example if you have started it for earning ways keep your blog more related to earning ways and make that blog full new ways of blogging
At Last : Never Think That you are writing for yourself ,always think that whatever you are writing if for that person who is knowing nothing about the topic so be brief and apt.
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- #Second Key Feature-Create A Hierarchy Of Blog:
- #Third Feature: Structure Of the Post:
- The Intro lines:While starting a post give some intro lines for your post.This will make the indexing of your post even better than before
- The Main Portion Of the Article/Post:- Here you should deliver about how to get that what you have mentioned in the title.for example if you have chosen for writing a post with name “How To Blog” then give steps and tutorial in this portion.
- The summery or conclution:After completing the last portion give your conclusion and add some interesting lines like “Make A Review”, “Did you want more on How to Blog” etc.
- #Fourth Feature:Keep Your Post Updated:
At Last : Never Think That you are writing for yourself ,always think that whatever you are writing if for that person who is knowing nothing about the topic so be brief and apt.
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