Add Wikipedia Tab In Fan Pages

Wikipedia Tab Screen Shot

Now you can add Wikipedia tab to your facebook fan pages just at zero costing. Yes it’s absolutely free and works well.
I recently had a chat with the executive officer  of Wikipedia. He enlisted me the following steps to show a Wikipedia tab in Fan pages.

Question “Is it possible to add a Wikipedia tab in my Fan page without offering any money to wiki?”

(There is not any app or software that can help you in this)

1.While creating a page, choose the title of page similar to the title of article present in Wikipedia Encyclopedia.(This article will be further be displayed on your page so choose wisely) 
2. If no article matching your page title is present on Wikipedia then you can create an article by signing up at Wikipedia.
3. After getting a article, try to add the links to your Wikipedia article in Fan Page basic information.(I added the links in About, Description)That`s it.

Now wait for the facebook to scan your page and matching article in Wikipedia. It can take few hours to few weeks before facebook show that tab. But I don’t think there is any harm trying this. Facebook itself triggers this.

Why to Have a Same Article on Wikipedia:
This is necessary as Wikipedia crawler index the pages only when they get the same title matching pages on facebook and make them as Community Pages.If you want a simple proof the open the links below and in Wikipedia tab try to see  a link in Right Hand Side of Page "View In Wikipedia".

My Suggestions:
1. Try to build strong content in your page description
2. Bring lot of fans on your page.

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