Paid To Click(Second Way)

In second way of making online money with no capital or no investment you will use "Paid To Click" sites or "PTC sites". These sites pay money for just clicking on Advert and nothing more hidden job they want form us. Several sponsors around the globe wants to advertize their Products or Services online on world wide web or just wants more traffic to their websites, so they simple pay money to these ptc sites and we as a member of these ptc sites view the sponsors website or products by clicking on the adverts and then these ptc sites will pay us money online by means of E-Currency (PayPal/AlertPay Money) for simply just clicking on advertisement.


PTC sites pay money online to their members for each and every click they did. This PTC job of clicking and viewing advert is very simple and easy. Even while watching movies or listening to the music on your computer, you can click Adverts in a minimize window in the background and can continue to your work. The most fruitful part is that these PTC sites don't require any registration fee from you like that of many other online money earning jobs.

Highly Recommended Job:
I personally recommend you to join around 8-10 paid to click websites. For the reason, unlike any other jobs explained on this website, paid to click is the simplest job where you can click and minimize the window, without any interventions to your other work and without any presence of mind, I mean without any focus and with zero skills. This makes PTC program to be the most adaptable with other jobs; you can choose any other potential ways of making money online explained on this website, focus on them freely and can keep paid to click program as a subsidiary or secondary source of income.

Suppose you join 10 PTC websites and click 50 adverts daily worth one cent each, so your daily income will be $0.50 and monthly will be $15 which is overall a good amount and can help you when you become ready to invest your earning as explained on “Investment page”. So do join up to the limit which suits your personality and routine most.
I provide only five paid to click websites, which I know, are the most honest one and are sovereign in the PTC industry. They all are SSL certificate secured (encrypted connection) and many from them are DDOS protected and have global Certified Authority or CA (proof of their identity and real business). The scam or fraud PTC website owners will never waste their money in purchasing such costly add-ons for their websites. I myself analyze and test all the websites provided below, so no matters of trust and fraud remains.

 Also I recommend you to read this “ Beware of Scams- How to Track and Identify fraud Websites”. Please don’t skip to read it because 99% of paid to click websites are scam and they have a short life-cycle. If I find more such honest and secure websites I will add them here, so always check back this website. Currently I have two more paid to click website in my arsenal but I will add them after the completion of the testing period.

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