In this way of creating online funds without any capital you don’t have to register on any site and don’t have to do their jobs, this time you will build your own website or a blog and monetize it. You can register on Google BlogSpot or can purchase a website domain name or can register a free sub domain which is available widely.
Monetization means adding Paid Per Click advertisement programs like Google AdSense, Bid Advertizer, Yahoo publisher network or add text links, or to include banner spaces for sell or Paid Per Post(PPP) program etc on you website. Actually there are varieties of ways to monetize a website. And after monetizing your website, whenever your site is opened, you will get cash for the impression of the adverts (in case of Paid Per Impression program). And you will earn 100 times more when some click on that adverts (in case of Paid Per Click program). As you have seen, many websites like Orkut shows ads by Google, they simply don’t want to advertize others, they wants to earn money. Such a program is called as PAID PER CLICK Program or PPC in short. Also majority of PPC service providers like Google or Yahoo Publisher Network also add Paid Per Impression along with Paid Per Click, so you will also earn even if only your website or blog is opened. But the main factor here which determines your earning is “traffic”. More you have traffic to your website, more you will get impression, and more people will click on them, so finally more you can earn money.
The main and guaranteed sources of traffic are search engines. All people search on search engines and are likely to click on top three sites. So your sites must come under top three on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) to gain get traffic and to earn money via paid per click program. This process is known as SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in short SEO. You must learn seo techniques so do some search on your favorite search engines like Yahoo, Google or live [.] com and learn it. Generally, the time taken for it depends upon the keyword you choose for serp and your consistency and hard work to apply the seo techniques.
I had seen many people making thousands of bucks per day by applying seo and nowadays I am also doing this and am getting some good results, but till now I am waiting for my site to come on first place before I add Google adsense. So this is THIS
way of making fund online without any investment. I hope today you earned something new in your life.
About author
Akansh is a 18 years old just new in this field and tried to help you in all ways.This blog covers latest apps,gadgets,songs,and mostly every field.I greatly appreciate if you contribute for this blog
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