Check Your Website/Blog/Page Rank in 12 second

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One of the easiest and fastest ways to start your online business or to make money with Adsense is not thinking and creating websites with new domain names but picking up older domain names that have already been spidered and indexed in the search engines for months and years... just waiting for you to pick up and start making money!
It makes sense doesn't it?
Let's say you were starting your own store. Where you would be more successful... building a store in the middle of nowhere in the Mohave desert or leasing space at a highly trafficked area in a crowded suburban mall?

There are tons of "highly trafficked areas" on the internet in the form of expired or expiring domain names, looking for new owners waiting to take advantage of visitors that already visiting.
Every day over 20,000 domain names are abandoned and expire for whatever reason. Many of these are domain names that had websites that were listed in: *Yahoo *MSN *DMOZ *GOOGLE and many other valuable directories.

There are thousands of valuable domain names with websites that have been created and forgotten, many with hundreds of backlinks pointing to them, and are abandoned every day just waiting for someone to find them...

Each week thousands of domain names expire and become available again. These expired domain names are names that were previously registered, but where the registration has not been renewed, or where the registrant has defaulted on payment. These unclaimed domain names are then repossessed and are made available for anyone to register again. Many of such domains are already registered with search engines, have established back links, google page rank and traffic. Buying such name you can either build your own website or you can just sell links on the page.
For example a single link on a Google PR5 domain worth anything from $30 to $60 and more per month! It takes quite a long time to achieve a PR4/5/6/7 ranking. If you have other websites that aren't developed or indexed, it's your chance to get indexed by all major search engines within days by simply adding a text link on such domain to your site.
The expired domain business is a very competitive, first-come-first-serve field. If a domain is listed in the yahoo or dmoz directory or has significant backlinks and/or PageRank, the difficulty in grabbing them before someone else increases significantly. 

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is a 18 years old just new in this field and tried to help you in all ways.This blog covers latest apps,gadgets,songs,and mostly every field.I greatly appreciate if you contribute for this blog read more